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Enhanced Space for Aliens.

Enhanced Space for Aliens was a two weeks long discussional workshop, that was held at European Architecture Students Assembly [EASA] Denmark 2017 Hospitality. The main aspiration of the workshop was to challenge the idea of human-oriented design approach and to come up with an alternative way of thinking about who or what the end-user is and what its needs might be. Through series of discussions and brainstorming sessions, a team of architecture and design students was broadening their understanding of what the building blocks of inhabitable spaces are.

Architecture and design have always been human-oriented. Recent advances in science made it strikingly clear that we cannot look at ourselves as if humans were the apex of creation. Intelligence can manifest itself in many forms. In our experiments and discussions, we wanted to switch the focus from human-inclusive design to something even broader - design for any living creature, terrestrial or extraterrestrial. 

We tried to imagine an environment of the future, that will be hospitable to any living creature, no matter in what shape it manifests.


The moral question for us was how not to entrap a creature in this hypothetical ideal environment and not to deprive it of an opportunity to develop. The solution came as a need for the structure to provide education and communication between different occupants.


We were touching, in a metaphorical way, the questions of hospitality that humanity faces nowadays. Thinking about how humans can accept and welcome any imaginable or unimaginable creature, we discussed issues of cohabitation and evolution, the moral aspect of human intervention and the influence it might have on us.

At the end of the conceptual phase, we came up with guidelines containing ingredients for anything-oriented design.


The resulting environment is alive itself, with the main purpose of providing a temporary shelter. It is a portable transformable structure that has the ability to evolve, reproduce, develop and improve itself through storing “DNA” and learning from its visitors. For the structure not to become gruesomely big, it has to use resources efficiently, which is achieved by its modular structure containing 'DNA'. It consists of modules with the capability to merge into each other which translates into flexibility and, in some cases, results in interaction and development of common consciousness. Furthermore, the structure has the ability to efficiently exchange information and resources between different elements in the system by using layered cell-like membranes.

ESA Taukin background

Diana Taukin, Ura Taubkin.

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